ok.. i was tagged by both amanda tan and sarah lee.. so i will do this..
The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of how the want their perfect lover to be like. Specify gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join in this game. Leave a msg on their page saying theyve been tagged. If tagged twice, there's no need to post a second time.
how i want my perfect lover to be like:
-cute ( don hav to be very)
-not hot-tempered
-can cheer me up when i am down
-cares about me
-faithful ( this quality is quite hard to find in a guy i mus say.. )
-loves me
my targets are... *drumroll*
-lisa oon
-diondra tan
-tay xi nan
-lim li ting
-angelina ang
-zheng huaimin
-teo zhi wei
-krystal koh